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You Never Realize The Good Times Until They're Gone.

 Ever since I can remember all I have heard older people around me talk about how they miss the time when they were younger. It confused me at the time because to me it didn't make any sense. What would compel you to want to go back to a stage where you didn't have the ability to do what you want, go where you want, and stay up as long as you want. It was a naïve thought that helps me realize how much my view of life has changed as I've grown up.

It's a sobering thought that everyone has at their lowest moments which for many leads to more severe sadness. I am no stranger to this concept when I have my personal bad stretches although when I rejuvenate myself it helps me realize how privilege of a life I have lived. I always go back to my time in elementary school when I would sit for hours on Saturday watching cartoons, making friends in school, and playing soccer after with many friends that I still know to this day. A newer development that happened in my life was the end of high school football that everyday I think about the memories I made with teammates, coaches, and other people at my school.

This situational awareness had lead to my attitude changing significantly as I've become an adult. Many students will turn in a test and then become a shaking mess due to them being scared of the grade, but I've changed to no worrying about it since what can you do if the test is already turned in. Many times in my senior year of high school I had the thought that I will never have a moment like this again. This made me enjoy a shortened year to the point where it felt like a fulfilling last year. I don't know when exactly it happened, but there was a point in high school when I realized that the best grades never gave me the same happiness as a great memory which lead me to prioritize the relationships I had over getting straight A's. I consider that a great method to face problems people have is to go in with a positive attitude and roll with waves.



  1. Great post, full of helpful reminders. We do tend to sweat things a bit too much, maybe out of proportion to their importance in The Big Picture :)


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