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Showing posts from September, 2021

What You Can Really Learn From A Video Games

      A little over two years after I was born, Rome: Total War came out in 2004 and thus my holy book was born. For most of my childhood I lived in a bubble and I had no reason to change anything. Around a decade ago my uncle introduced me to RTW and I was instantly hooked into a new world that blew my mind very passing day. Looking at the map was very enjoyable, I would look and figure out many geographical facts that stick to me today: Gauls were tribes in what is now France, and Carthage is in Northern Africa right next to Sicily. It mainly showed me the difference in cultures from Europe, Africa, and the Middle East.     One things that became very clear quickly is the differences in technology and infrastructure. Not just learning about wonders of the world like the  Hanging Gardens of Babylon and the Pyramid of Giza, but also about simple innovations like roman aqueducts which amazed modern architects for many years that seemed so simple when I was young that I now realize where

Online Schooling

     It was an experience that I never expected was going to be one I would personally partake in my life. The event being having over a year of an educational year being entirely done online. Online schooling was a topic that was familiar with considering my Mom had finished her accounting degree at College of DuPage online. She would always tell me how hard it was to learn in that setting, and I would scoff at that thought. How could it be hard to learn with no time limits. No noise to hurt your brain, no peers to cause you strain.      The situation seems very easy at the start. When you are learning names and getting all the introductory steps out of the way goes past like a blip. It seems so easy when you are talking for a few seconds, and due to the lack of interaction would lead to focus not being on the class. It felt nice that a class meeting would end and a second later I could be playing on my Xbox, use my phone, or go out with friends. In a way it was less stressful because