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The Tillman Story


    The director does many things well that while the story is sad, is probably the best created documentary I have ever watched. One of my favorite aspects of the film is that there are clear decisions by the director in how it was made, I felt like I couldn't pinpoint a specific point where there was clear bias. Another point I like is the way Pat is shown as a stereotypical American hero with the video of him accepting an award in high school being quiet, calm and giving praise to the people around him is him being the cool, savvy respected man in one sense. Mirrored by showing him on the football field knocking people's heads off and the original titling of the film being his catchphrase, "I'm Pat Fucking Tilman", showed him being the opposite: vain, profane, and a monster. While the term hero is thrown around a lot, the director undoubtedly show's the audience why of the small list of real American hero's, Pat Tillman is on that list. Lastly I love the lack of background music used in the film. You hear everything. You hear the gunshots. You hear the pain and sorrow. More than anything you hear the anger. Emotionally nothing hit harder than when one of the Generals on trial offers to shake Patrick Sr.'s hand and the unbridled rage from his words hit deep considering I have luckily not had anyone that close to me die, but couldn't think how I would react to having a person who covered up their death asking such a request.

